Wisdom of Rose
She is most definitely the plant that called me to my path. This Plant Path.
She called to me as a young child to come visit with her and share moments.
I found magic and a secret garden within this time with her.
She called me again as an adult. Rose hips were the first plant that I foraged in the wild on my own. I knew her instinctively, innately. Together her and I began to build a trust in my ability to identify plant allies in the wild. Together we cultivated my knowing that I could continue this lifeway.
For this, Rose, I will forever be grateful to you.
You will be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t love her at first sight or smell.
In the Wild is light, bright, intricate and soothing.
While there is much complexity going on within her growth patterns and in all her medicine, there is something so immediately familiar about Rose. She really desires for you, for us, to share moments with her.
In my most recent experience connecting with her, Rose invited me to sit and drink in the beauty of the Bitterroot River with her. This particular Rose plant had chosen to grown along the bank of this River for a reason, and she wanted to share the soul essence there together. We shared an alchemy, the three of us together. My heart field opened wider + wider in these moments.
My heart center opens wide each time I connect with her, in person or through some of her medicine. She is said to be a mender of broken hearts and I know this to be true.
The beloved Queen. She is a Queen indeed.
There is a beautiful heart blooming available for each of us in her presence.
So much gratitude for you Rose.
We will always love you